Regulatory approvals and submissions
The facility is considered as a Major Accident Hazard (MAH) unit by the factories departments based on the statutory requirements. The company is having all the approvals with respect to Safety and Environment from various authorizes.
- Factory license from State Factories Department
- Consent for Operation (CFO) from Pollution Control Board (PCB)
- Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) for LPG, HSD, LSHS storage
We submit all the returns, submissions promptly with respect to Factories, PCB etc. We have a calendar of various submissions and returns to ensure prompt submissions on compliance
Safety Management Practices
- General safety requirements
- Accident Prevention Practices
- Machine guarding practices
- PPE program
- Working at heights program
- Safety work permit system
- Confined space entry program
- Safety training program
- Fire Safety and Emergency Management
- Safety motivation
- Incident investigation and reporting
- Occupational Health
- Prompt submissions and returns as applicable
- Traffic safety inside the plant
- Workers participation in safety practices

General Site Safety Requirements
- Speed limit restricted to 10 KMPH inside the plant
- Observe aisles and walk ways in shop floor
- Use walk ways and pedestrian crossings
- Smoking / gutkha / alcohol etc are prohibited
- Every person shall wear suitable PPE as per area & job specific
- Observe rotating & moving parts
- Visitors are restricted upto concerned person only
- Service providers are permitted only under direct supervision of company employ
- Report any injury promptly to OHC for medical aid
- Report any near miss / unsafe condition/unsafe act to your supervisor / Safety Dept /Security Dept
- Truck persons shall not sleep under the trucks
- If site emergency siren is heard, persons shall stop of the work and proceed to the emergency assembly point at security main gate
- Tools and tackles of the service providers to be checked thoroughly before use

Major Accidents considered at site are,
- Fire in LPG storage of any bullet of 50 tones capacity each
- Fire in LPG road tanker
- Fire in LPG vaporizers
- Fire in HSD of 40 KL tank
- Fire in LSHS of any 400 KL tank of each capacity
- Fire in Furnaces- furnace explosion / draining
- Fire in the raw material storage

Emergency Management Infrastructure
- Fire hydrant network with Jockey, Electrical & Diesel pumps
- LPG gas detectors at LPG handling areas. Fire water deluge (sprinkler) to LPG bullets & unloading tanker and portable fire extinguishers area specific
- Trained Emergency Response Teams (ERT). Display of key emergency contacts at prominent locations. Fire Alarms at various locations to convey to ECC ( Security)
- Emergency Assembly Point
- Fully equipped Emergency Control Centre (ECC)
- Fully equipped Occupational Health Centre (OHC) and Ambulance with medical officer and compounder
Emergency Preparedness :
- Trained ERT teams in each shop floor
- Contact security : 726 /727/9849265785
- Occupational Health Centre (OHC)
- Fully equipped OHC including Ambulance
- Medical officer andcompounder
- Contact : 726 / 727
- Manual fire call points, smoke detectors in raw material go-down and LPG gas detectors in LPG handling areas
- Emergency siren
- Located at ECC ( Security Main Gate)
- For declaration : 3 times ON/OFF followed by PA system announcement in Telugu / Hindi/ English
- For normalization : Continuous siren for 2 minutes followed by announcement on PA system
- What to do in an emergency
- Stop your work and rush to Emergency Assembly Point near Main Gate
- If you are a trained ERT member, support the emergency response teams
- Mock drills
- Site emergency mock drills & Local fire drills

Traffic Safety Practices
- Separate pedestrian walk ways are provided along the roads
- Zebra crossing at various locations
- Route markers towards various locations
- Safety view mirrors at cross roads
- Security vigilant at various locations for guiding trucks
- All vehicles are provided with wheel chokes at security gate
- Marking of aisles & markings in shop floor
- Maximum speed limit of vehicles inside the plant is 10KMPH
- Pre-inspection of all the trucks at security gate for checking
- Issuing various visitor passes
- Fork lift safety systems
Accident Prevention Practices
The facility is established strong accident prevention practices at out site to avoid injuries and occupational diseases. The important accident prevention practices are ,
Machine guarding practices
- All the machines are provided with suitable guards from design stage itself. Guard is covered the rotating part from exposure. All the conveyors are provided with Pull-chords near along the conveyor for emergency stop. All the machines are provided with emergency stop near to machine. Machine guards are part of preventive maintenance along with machine
- After completion of the work, guard is provided back before starting the machine. Safety training is imparted to operators on importance of machine guarding and requirements. If any guard is damaged / missing, it is immediately informed to supervisor and rectified as part of unsafe condition
Safety Work Permit System
- All the maintenance works and project works are carried out through safety work permit system. The facility is having the Following type of safety work permits
- Height safety work permit
- Welding and cutting safety work permit
- General safety work permit
- Confined space entry safety work permit
- Excavation safety work permit
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Practices
All the operations are carried out safely with suitable PPE. Selection and suitability of various PPE is done by safety and operations Incharge. PPE matrix is made based on type of task for head, foot, respiratory, eye, fall and hand protection
Working at Heights Practices
- All the works above 2 meters are considered as working at heights
- Height safety work permit is taken for height works
- Area owner will issue and safety officer will cross check and signs height safety work permit
- Identified areas are provided with suitable stair case with hand rails
- Portable ladders are used where ever permanent provision is not there
- One person will hold the ladder at bottom and top end of ladder is tied at top
- Ladders are inspected before using every time as part of pre-inspection
- Damaged ladders are discarded from use
- Persons working at height, will obtain height safety work permit
- Scaffoldings are prepared for attending height works
- Scaffoldings are checked as part of pre-inspection by supervisor
- All roof repair works are carried out by utmost safety under close supervision of concerned departmentalengineer, safety officer
- Roof ladders are used for roof repair works
- Safety nets are used under the work
- Cordoning will be done at bottom atheight works with caution taps
Incident Investigation practices
- We strongly believe prompt incident investigation practices will help in long run for a safe system. All the incidents are reported and investigated promptly. We focus on incident investigation to avoid recurrence of such incidents
- We will also focus horizontal deployment of corrective and preventive actions. We are having documented procedure of Incident reporting and investigation. All the incidents will be reported in the same shift to concerned supervisor, HOD, Safety by area incharges
- Concerned area incharge initiates immediate investigation of the incidents. Incident investigation committee is headed by AVP (PED) along with other departments heads
Contractor Safety Practices
- All the workers of the contractors are given utmost care towards safety from induction stage. Company policies and requirements are clearly spelt out
- All the persons deployed will undergo pre-employement medical examination and certified by medical officer
- Contract workers are undergone periodical medical examination as per the requirement. Required PPE is arranged to all the contract persons as per the job requirement. Necessary medical aid is provided by the companyfor injured persons at our OHC and also outside medical facility as per the requirement
- Tools and tackles like welding machines, gas cutting machines, chains, slings etc of the contractors are inspected by concerned incharges before the use

Occupational Health Practices
- We have established full-fledged Occupational Health Centre (OHC) at our plant
- A full time medical officer and compounder are available
- A dedicated ambulance is made available in the plant
- Occupational health is very important to all our persons working at AGI Glaspac
- First aid boxes are placed at various locations inside the plant with required medicines
- Every person working at the plant will undergo pre-employement medical examination through qualified medical practitioner at company cost
- Periodical medical examinations are conducted as per the requirements
- The medical examinations are carried out as per the requirement including
- X ray, blood test, urine analysis, Lipid profile, pulmonory lung function test, audiometry test for high noise areas, specific tests for persons working in canteen
- All the work areas are monitored and corrective actions are taken
- Suitable engineering controls are provided as per the requirements and necessary PPE are made available as per the requirement
Safety Trainings
Safety training is compulsory for persons working at AGI. All persons including contractors are imparted safety training at various stages
- Safety trainings are planned and imparted at various stages
- Induction training, On the job training, Periodical safety training
- Internal and external
- External safety trainings
- External safety trainings are planned by experts to the site on selected topics
- Selected professionals are deputed for external safety professional bodies like National Safety Council / RLI/ CLI/ DGFASLI/ FICCI/ CII / FAPSI etc from time to time
Workers Participation in Safety Practices
- At AGI, safety is every one’s responsibility
- We believe workers are our strength for our safety practices
- Every worker is involved in safety by
- Safety training from induction safety training stage
- Safety committee meetings
- Shop floor workers from various departments are made part of safety committee meetings. Safety committee meetings are conducted once a month instead of minimum requirements of once in three months
- Safety committee members are nominated by the workers union for a tenure of two years. Workers will come up with safety concerns and suggestions for discussion
- Shop floor safety tool box meetings
- Department level safety tool box meetings are held periodically
- Workers are participated in safety tool box meetings
- Safety officer and area incharge s will participate
- Hazard identification and risk assessment